Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...

This was last night:
Little is now three.  He is also now screaming in his bed because he wants the light on. The light was turned off because he wasn't gettting into bed when he was told to.  He's supposed to be in his bed while Big takes his shower.  Before that, Little was yelling because he wanted pajamas on.  He wasn't wearing pajamas because he announced in his indignant little voice "I NOT wear any pajamas!!" and so we let him freeze it out for a bit in just his nighttime diaper to see what it's like to sleep with no jammies.  He was less than fond of it...hence the screaming.  Before THAT, he was screaming that he wanted a bath because his bath had to get stopped because he kept throwing his clothes into the bathwater.  Such is life.  Earlier, I had to hold onto Big to keep him from kicking me because he was melting down.  When Chad came home from work...Big was in the corner because he told me to shut up, Little was sitting in the kitchen because he kept trying to get at Big, and Princess was sitting on the couch watching it all.  Normal people would walk into my house and think, 'what the heck is going on here?'  Not Chad.  It didn't even phase him. 
This was this morning:
While trying to get dressed, I heard Little say 'I telling on you' and then he came running to tell me Big had smacked him in the face.  Then Little wanted to goof around instead of getting dressed and so he was running around in his undies.  Can I just say, that kid in his little undies is one of the cutest things you'll ever see?  At breakfast, all hell broke loose.  Big was just in a funk and he didn't want to talk about it and then his yogurt spilled and it turned into a 45 minute meltdown that went through two things of yogurt, his school uniform, and my patience.  He got to school half an hour late, but he made it! 
Currently, I'm drinking a coke and eating four cheese cheez-its while the little two are taking early naps.  It's not really so surprising that the kids are acting this way.  Their visit earlier this week was cut short because their parents chose to spend the time speaking with people about the upcoming court date instead of being in the room with the kids and then their visit yesterday got canceled for some very vague reason.  It's especially difficult for Big.  His mom has been doing pretty well with him lately and this week was a big setback for him.  But that's the way life is when you do foster care.  The birth parents do stuff that sends the kids into a tailspin and we, the foster parents, get to try like heck to clean up the mess so it can all happen again the next week. 
And now...the school is calling me....

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