Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!!!

I can't believe the kids are actually quiet at eight in the morning!  They're usually up at seven regardless of when they went to bed or what day of the week it is.  I shall enjoy five minutes of typing. 
So, back in October we filled out these little 'wish lists' for the kids for Christmas.  The agencies then put the lists on angel trees around town for people to purchase for all the foster kids out there.  I went on Thursday to pick up some of the gifts and it freakin' FILLED my minivan!!!  It was insane!  Naturally, I started crying because I couldn't help but think that this Christmas would be the best one these kids have ever had.  And I know Christmas isn't all about gifts and Santa and all that...but when you're a kid who's used to not getting anything new...a mountain of toys is kind of a big deal.  It reminded me of when I went out and got the boys new clothes. 
When they came to us, they had two laundry bags crammed with clothes.  This was amazing!  We had a boy back in April for a few nights who was staying with us until he could go to a home with his brother.  He didn't have any socks.  Or pajamas.  And his clothes were stained and worn and didn't match.  And it all fit in a small box.  It was pretty sad.  He had more clothes, but this was all that the agent could grab on the way out the door.  We had a baby for a week and half who only had the outfit she was wearing and another sorta outfit in her bag because she was found in a drug raid.  So the fact that these boys had so many clothes was astounding.  However, upon closer inspection, they weren't in the best condition and it was obvious the socks and underwear were brand new and very recently given to them.  Nothing really seemed to fit them properly.  So, we got a clothing allowance for them and I went off to the mall and bought whole new wardrobes (ya gotta love The Children's Place!  Everything is always on sale AND you get coupons!!!).  You should have seen their little faces when I pulled out all their clothes.  It was epic!!!  I have a feeling that Christmas is going to be like that.  Probably a  lot crazier because it's toys, and let's face it...toys are waaaay more exciting than clothes....but it's going to be awesome.  I mean, I know I'm going to get a monstrous headache and the kids are going to have several meltdowns each and we're going to be crying and exhausted at the end of the day, but somewhere in there will be some awesomeness because this is our first Christmas with kids and awesomeness is just implied. 
We've been waiting a long time for this Christmas.  Three years ago we were gearing up to call a doctor about why we couldn't get pregnant.  Two years ago we were debating to go one more round of IUI even though the previous three hadn't worked.  And last year, we almost got to have a child for Christmas but we got him right after instead.  (It was still pretty good though :) )  So this year has been a long time coming and I get all super misty when I really think about it.  There's just something about watching kids get all excited about the day and seeing their joy when they get something they really love...and I get to be a part of that this year.  Another check for the ole Bucket List, if you will ;)
***In the course of this blog, the minions have all gotten up.  5 and 2 have had tantrums, 1 has been a little angel and now they're watching Toy Story 2.  Well, the boys are.  And they're telling me everything Buzz is up too...as if I can't see and hear it for myself.*** 
Thanks to anyone who bought a toy for a kid on an angel tree.  You're helping to make this Christmas the best one ever for our kids.  In a year full of hurts for them (have I mentioned that this is the fourth house they've lived in since May?) it's nice to know that on Saturday they'll get to forget it all...at least for the 4 minutes and 37 seconds it takes for them to tear through all their gifts :) 
In many ways though, I think I'll be the happiest one this year.  I won't speak for Chad (although I'm pretty positive he feels the same way), but to see God fulfill a promise He made to me with such speed and might, that one day I'd have a family (even if it was just temporary), fills me with such joy and gratefulness that it can't be matched by all the presents in the world.  This year, God's given us the gift of a family, and the love of children.  To hear them say they love me, or for them to call me mommy, or for them to run up and demand a hug....I can't even express the way it makes me feel.  And yet, I know God's not finished blessing us yet.  It's downright overwhelming and I'm just so thankful for His love and provision.  We are blessed!!!!!
Here's hoping all goes well and we all survive the festivities!
Merry Christmas!!!

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