Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This one's for my husband...

Every day when my husband gets home from work, we share about our days.  I usually tell him something ridiculous the kiddos have done and at least once a week, my husband tells me I should write a blog about being a foster mom.  And I look at him like he's been smoking something potent.  I tell him I don't have the one's going to read it...our kids aren't THAT interesting....but I'm giving it a whirl.  At least I can document the craziness of our lives to look back on, ya know?

So, here we go.  My husband, Chad, and I have three foster kids right now.  I'm not technically supposed to share their names and stuff so I'll refer to them by their ages (that won't be annoying at alllll).  The oldest is a boy who's 5.  Then comes another boy who's 2 1/2 or just 2 for these purposes and the youngest is a girl who's 19 months...or 1.  They all have the same mom but 5 has a different dad.  5 is in school all day and I stay home with 2 and 1.  Chad and I have been doing foster care for about a year now and we've had nine kids in our home for one reason or another over the last year.  We've had these kids for a few months.  They are adorable, and they have quite a story too.

Currently, 5 is at school, 2 is under a blanket on the couch with his new Buzz Lightyear stuffed animal tucked in with him and watching Handy Manny, and 1 is playing with her new shape sorter while sporting my fabulous pink necklace.  2 is also petting my hair and telling me he loves me and Buzz.  Do you know who else he loves?  SANTA!!!  We were at the foster agency's Christmas party last night and the S-man was there and 2 was nutso for him.  He hugged him every chance he got.  And then this morning we were at Discount Tire getting our previously busted tire put back on our van and do you know who walked in?  SANTA!!!  Did you know Santa drives a red Sebring convertible?  (*sigh* I used to have a convetible...I traded it for the minivan.)  He came in wearing full attire and 2 screamed "SANTA, I love you" at the top of his lungs and 1 did about 50 up/downs in her stroller seat.  It was impressive.  Santa was a good sport about it all.  He hung with the kiddos and "Merry Christmased" them and reminded them to be good (Thank you, Santa).  After he left, 2 told every person who came in that store that Santa had been there and he had a belt and a hat and he loved him and pretty much anything else Santa-related he could think of.  What a hoot!
I wouldn't trade them in for anything.  I love these kids and I love what they've added to our lives.  Believe me, it isn't always easy and it's kinda complicated with all the parents and visits and caseworkers and therapy...but it's so worth it.  To see the changes in their behaviors and their ability to attach to people...I get all misty just thinking about it.  When we got 1, she rarely ever smiled or made any noises.  Now, she's so happy and she cries when we leave her in the nursery at Church.  You could barely understand a word 2 said six months ago.  Today, a lady at the tire place told me he speaks so well for a kid his age.  And 5...well, that would take all day to explain.  He's come the furthest.  He's just turned into this amazing, loveable, silly boy.  It's awesome :)
I think this is about all they're going to let me type for today.  2 is currently requesting I hold Buzz Lightyear while he prances about the living room in his Spidey slippers.  Feel free to ask me any questions.  I love helping people get infomred on foster care.  It's an incredible experience!  Hope I made you happy, Chad :)
Bye for now,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please keep adding to your blog, it's a blessing to read! I love what you're doing and thank you, it's inspiring!